Project Management

I've managed countless projects, campaigns, and events. Events have ranged in size from a 10 person training session to a 650+ person convention. I've also managed campaigns to pass various bills and initiatives to improve education. Below are just a few of my favorite projects and campaigns I've managed.

Highline College Social Media Revamp

At Highline College I lead the rebranding of the college’s social media content. Working across campus departments I was able to curate and prioritize the promotion of different college events and programs. Additionally, I launched regularly scheduled human interest stories such as Thunderbird Highlights, Snapchat Challenges, and more. Since the revamp in 2016, Highline’s social media accounts now provide vital avenues for students to engage and connect with the college.

Here are some of my favorite posts and moments: Clothesline Project 2017 | Commencement 2017 | Sound Social 55 | LQBTQIA Resource Fair | JD and Laura: Full Time Parents and Students | Highline Student Highlights | Advice For Grads

Federation Magazine

At AFT-Oregon, I took over the production and publication of the organization's quarterly news magazine, "Federation." I rebranded and modernized the magazine and instituted an annual production schedule.

I wrote and edited the copy, took the photos, and designed the layout and graphics. After the magazine was finalized, I worked closely with our print shop to print and distribute over 15,000 copies across Oregon.

Here are the most recent editions of "Federation": September 2015 | June 2015 | February 2015

Passing Washington State Senate Bill 6129

In 2013, my colleagues at PSE sought to provide paraeducators proper training and support to teach Washington state's most vulnerable students. PSE partnered with lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 6129 through the Washington State Congress.

I led the media campaign to educate journalists and the public about the importance of SSB 6129.  Before the campaign began, I worked closely with PSE's Government Relations Director to craft our message, which I then publicized via informational packets, videos, and other multimedia tools. Furthermore, I scheduled multiple meetings with media boards and potential outside organization allies to educate them on this important issue.

The campaign was a success. The bill passed and many of Washington state's media outlets supported SSB 6129, including The Olympian and an op-ed I ghost wrote and placed in The Seattle Times.

Washington state Governor Jay Inslee signing SSB 6129 into law.

Washington state Governor Jay Inslee signing SSB 6129 into law.

Passing Washington State Initiative 1351

In 2014, PSE and our organizational partners wanted to pass initiative 1351 to reduce class sizes in Washington state so educators could better engage their students.

I led PSE's media campaign to persuade lawmakers, allied organizations, and the people of Washington state to support the initiative by voting yes. I assisted with research and led the creation of our messaging plan and all multimedia materials. I sent these materials to various lawmakers, allied organizations, journalists, and PSE's membership.

The campaign was a success. After a year-long effort, Washington state voters voted yes on I-1351.

(Below are photos I took during the campaign and informational sheets I helped research and create).

Classified Employee Week

At PSE, we created a statewide week long celebration of classified employees, officially endorsed by the governor.

It was my job to organize the production and placement of online materials including posters, videos, and certificates to help schools celebrate. Additionally, I worked closely with representatives from many different schools to help them organize events to celebrate their classified workers.